Site Support Services

Site Support Services

Site Support Services

Profectus maintenance and field services reduce costly downtime and maximize the performance of your equipment. We deliver fit-for-purpose site support services and customize our support in line with your operating philosophies and asset strategy to provide value adding outcomes - from the provision of labor, to fully managed solutions.
Our work has increased production, optimized efficiency, reduced OPEX and lowered lifting costs, which has resulted in improved economic viability and extended field life.

Our site support services are as follows:

  • Remote and Virtual - enables faster solutions and eliminates the complex logistics associated with mobilizing engineering personnel to customer sites. Remote support includes but not limited to – experienced engineers remotely connected to support facility crew with installation, outage, and upgrade activities, daily outage report and lessons learned, red-flag review for execution and on-demand remote support.
  • Onsite Services and Spare Management - to actively manage spare parts, whether it involves re-ordering, or keeping track of quality and quantity ordered.
  • Troubleshooting and Continuous Improvement - through problem Definition, Measure, Analyze, Improve & Control to achieve continuous improvement.
  • Preventive and Planned Maintenance, Shutdown Maintenance - regular and routine maintenance of equipment and assets in order to keep them running and prevent any costly unplanned downtime from unexpected equipment failure. A successful maintenance strategy requires planning and scheduling maintenance of equipment before a problem occurs.
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